TFCA is your voice on Capitol Hill, always watching out for your best interests and keeping you informed. TFCA is a small but mighty force looking out for you in the Tennessee State Legislature and with state agencies. We have a solid record of major wins for this industry. We do the legislative and regulatory work that helps keep you in business.
Lobbying for your Business Interests at the State Capitol TFCA has three registered lobbyists in Tennessee. Together, they monitor all bill introductions and committee hearings while the General Assembly is in session. TFCA is a founding member of the Business Coalition, a group of Tennessee businesses that meet every Friday during session for bill review & action on bills that impact businesses. Additionally, Tennessee regularly interacts with all state agencies and attends all Underground Storage Tank/Solid Waste (UST/SW) Board Meetings. Our regulatory work is not just for our marketer members. TFCA works on legislation that impacts:
TFCA also works on behalf of fuel suppliers, pipeline operators, and terminal operators. We have a close working relationship with the American Petroleum Institute (API), and we frequently are partners in legislation and rule. For instance, TFCA worked on 2022 legislation that keeps local governments from stopping pipelines. |
Regulatory Work with State Agencies
TFCA participates in rule revisions by state agencies. A recent example is when Tennessee changed Underground Storage Tank rules to conform to a federal change. Over a several-month negotiation, TFCA was able to hold the rules to where they did not exceed the new federal rule. Coming up, the Tennessee Department of Agriculture is currently rewriting the whole fuel regulatory rule package. There will also be a new federal food safety plan to conform to. You don't have to negotiate all those new laws, regulations and rule changes alone. We are stronger as an industry as a united voice. |